October 20, 2008

More on Go Fish 2

Guinevere Turner told Bridget McManus that the sequel to Go Fish will feature "all of us, the people" (which I took to mean the original cast) as well as "young, hot girls who can actually act." Sweet! No hints as to plot, though.

Actually, I find I'm not as curious about the storyline as I am about the style of the film. Will it be similar to the original? Will it be in colour or black and white? Will there be a conventional narrative this time? I can't imagine it would be easy to get financing for another movie that colours outside the lines, and besides, now that they're all older and have more experience, they may not be interested in that kind of experimental style anymore.

All Bridget asked about were ball caps. As in, will Guinevere be wearing them throughout as she did in the first film? She didn't technically get an answer, but judging from Guinevere's dismay at the question, I'm thinking no.

Elsewhere in the interview, when Bridget asked how she would like to be remembered when she dies, Guinevere said, "You know, I just think about what I want on my tombstone, which is, 'You're welcome.'"

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